Gambiers 基本解释
abbr.Gambier Islands in the South Pacific 南太平洋的甘比尔群岛;
Gambiers 相关例句
THE FREE RADICAL SCAVENGING AND ANTI-HYPERGLYCEMIC ACTIVITIES OF VARIOUS GAMBIERS AVAILABLE IN INDONESIAN MARKETRepeated Extraction Process of Raw Gambiers (Uncaria gambier Robx.) for the Catechin Production as an AntioxidantAnnélides polychètes des iles Gambiers et de la Guyane francaiseRezoning Mount Gambier's northern gateway amendmentImpact of stormwater recharge on Blue Lake, Mount Gambier's drinking water supplyThe use of RAPD marker on gambier's breeding program.The use of RAPD marker on gambier's breeding program.Gambier's IslandsKenyon College not Gambier's only claim to famePembuatan dan Karakterisasi Tinta Serbuk Printer Berbahan Baku Arang Aktif dari Limbah Padat Pengolahan Gambir