英:['gæmədi:m] 美: ['gæmədim]
gamodeme 相关例句
GamodemeThe Detection of Sympatric Sibling Species Using Genetic Correlation Analysis. I. Two Loci, Two GamodemesExperimental and orthodox taxonomic categories and the deme terminology.Risk assessment of Sika deer Cervus nippon in the Netherlands.On Human Phylogeny and Linguistic History: Reply to CommentsComparative Pollination Ecology of Pyrrhopappus geiseri and Pyrrhopappus CarolinianusINFRASPECIFIC DIFFERENTIATIONQuantitative analysis of genetic variability in floral and germinative characteristics of meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba) : a thesis pr...Phenotypic and genetic structure of interbreeding populations of the diatom Tabularia fasciculata (Bacillariophyta)Progress report on studies of drosophila dispersal and species packing