英:['ɡɑ:blɪŋ] 美: ['ɡɑblɪŋ]
garbling 基本解释
v.对(事实)歪曲,对(文章等)断章取义,窜改( garble的现在分词 );
v.make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story同义词:falsifydistortwarp
garbling 相关例句
Garbling XOR Gates “For Free” in the Standard ModelEfficient Garbling from a Fixed-Key BlockcipherEfficient Garbling from a Fixed-Key BlockcipherFleXOR: Flexible Garbling for XOR Gates That Beats Free-XORFleXOR: Flexible Garbling for XOR Gates That Beats Free-XORPerformance Measure Garbling Under Renegotiation in Multi-Period AgenciesAdaptively secure garbling with applications to one-time programs and secure outsourcingAdaptively Secure Garbling with Applications to One-Time Programs and Secure OutsourcingAdaptively Secure Garbling with Applications to One-Time Programs and Secure Outsourcingwas circulated under the title “Garbling Schemes”. Foundations of Garbled Circuits