garden bean 基本解释
garden bean 相关例句
4. TOXICITY PROBLEMSOviposition, Development and Survivorship of the sweetpotato WhiteflyBemisia tabacion Soybean,Glycine max, and the Garden Bean,Phase...NOVEL GARDEN BEAN SB4285The partial amino acid sequence of trypsin inhibitor II from garden bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, with location of the trypsin and elast...Resistance of tomato, bean, southern pea, and garden pea cultivars to root-knot nematodes based on host suitability.BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF THE COMMON GARDEN ANT, LASIUS NIGER L., ON THE BLACK BEAN APHID, APHIS FABAE SCOPOLIIsolation of three isoinhibitors of trypsin from garden bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, having either lysine or arginine at the reactive s...Beneficial effects of the common garden ant, Lasius niger L., on the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae ScopINFLUENCE OF EXCHANGEABLE SODIUM ON THE YIELD AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PLANTS: I. GREEN BEANS, GARDEN BEETS, CLOVER, AND ALFALFA.Vigor of garden bean seeds and seedlings influenced by initial seed moisture, substrate oxygen, and imbibition temperature