gare 相关例句
Impact of magnet hospital characteristics on nurses' perceptions of trust, burnout, quality of gare, and work satisfactionIsolation, structure, and synthesis of dolastatin D, a cytotoxic cyclic depsipeptide from the sea gare Dolabella auriculariaHalogenverbrückte Heterometallatomcluster der drei Typen Re2(CO)4L2(μ)2(μ℡) (L = (C6H5)3P; X = Br, I; Y = GaRe(CO)4ax㎜), Re2(...Reduced lung-cancer mortality with low-dose computed tomographic screening.Some simplified NP -complete graph problemsTargeted capture and massively parallel sequencing of 12 human exomes.Baseline Characteristics of Participants in the Randomized National Lung Screening TrialOzone depletion: ultraviolet radiation and phytoplankton biology in antarctic waters.Fabry–Perot cavity pulsed Fourier transform microwave spectrometer with a pulsed nozzle particle sourceThe National Lung Screening Trial: overview and study design