Carolina in the Morning (清晨的加利福尼亚) - Singin' Sam
Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina
In the morning
No one could be sweeter than my sweetie
When I meet her
In the morning
When a morning glory
Went around the door
Whispering pretty stories
I long to hear once more
Rolling with my girly
Where the dew is pearly early
In the morning
Butterflies all flutter up and kiss each little buttercup
At dawning
If I had Aladdin's lamp for only a day
I'd make a wish and here's what I'd say
Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina
In the morning
Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina
In the morning
No one could be sweeter than my sweetie
When I meet her
In the morning
When a morning glory
Wind around the door
Whispering pretty stories
I long to hear once more
Rolling with my girly where the dew is pearly early
In the morning
Butterflies all flutter up and kiss each little buttercup
At dawning
If I had Aladdin's lamp only a day
I'd make a wish and here's what I'd say
Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina
In the morning
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Carolina In The Morning (清晨的加利福尼亚) - Dean Martin (迪安·马丁)Nothing could be finer than to be inCarolina in the morningNo one could be sweeter than my sweetieWhen I meet her...