Catch A Falling Star (抓住流星) - The Four Lads
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
For love may come and tap you on the shoulder
Some starless night
Just incase you feel you wanna hold her
You'll have a pocket full of starlight
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
For when your troubles start multiplying
They just might
It's easy to forget them without trying
With just a pocket full of starlight
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
Save it for a rainy day
For when your troubles start multiplying
They just might
It's easy to forget them without trying
With just a pocket full of starlight
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
Save it for a rainy day
真实的色彩 - 多情流星词:李勇(多情流星)曲:李勇(多情流星)编曲:琴圣春风吹过来 吹得百花开美丽的蝶儿翩翩飞过来小朋友们你追我赶好愉快美丽的春天充满着爱太阳升起来 云儿飘过来可爱的小鸟飞去又飞来远处传来张雨生唱的大海大家都跟着旋律哼起来...
甜蜜的伤口 - 流星就这样在那一年的那一天我尝到了什么叫痛当我捂紧伤口无声痛哭就这样从那一年的那一天想你的过去如此甜蜜当我挤出笑容面对天空那天空就冲我微笑让风来轻抚我脸庞我看见天越来越蓝这让我感觉越来越温暖那蓝天...
爱似流星 - 杨紫琼词:李宗盛曲:李宗盛如果失去是苦你还怕不怕付出如果坠落是苦你还要不要幸福如果迷乱是苦该开始还是结束如果追求是苦这是坚强还是执迷不悟如果分离是苦你要把苦向谁诉如果承诺是苦真情要不要...
流星问月 - 高昊词:李军曲:李军羞涩白花梳红妆 爬上青砖瓦青色的夜投月光 撩拨了芬芳摇曳身影勾勒出 梦里那幅画画中的人嫣然笑 弥乱了霓裳乐音绕梁跨过了 深宫的高墙不羁的夜胆怯怯 融化了白霜婀娜生香醉不倒 朦胧织的网气若游丝遮不住心慌张流星...