Cock-A-Doodle-Doo (公鸡喔喔啼) - The Montreal Children's Workshop
Cock a doodle do
My dame has lost her shoe
My master's lost his fiddlestick
And doesn't knows what to do
Cock a doodle do
What is my dame to do
Till master's found his fiddlingstick
She'll dance without her shoe
Cock a doodle do
My dame has lost her shoe
My master's lost his fiddlestick
And doesn't know what to do
Cock a doodle do
What is my dame to do
Till master's found his fiddlingstick
She'll dance without her shoe
Cock a doodle do
My dame has lost her shoe
My master's lost his fiddlestick
And doesn't know what to do
Cock a doodle do
What is my dame to do
Till master's found his fiddlingstick
She'll dance without her shoe
公鸡喔喔叫 - 甄凤蕾公鸡咕咕叫呀叫我们起床呦不要再去睡觉赶快起床了咿呀嘿早睡早起对你身体好啊咿呀嘿闻鸡起舞志气高快把身体锻炼好跑跑跳跳跑跑跳跳精神好咿呀嘿母鸡下鸡蛋呀啊咕哒咕哒叫呦王大嫂送鸡蛋出了...
Cock-A-Doodle-Doo (公鸡喔喔啼) - The Montreal Children's WorkshopCock a doodle doMy dame has lost her shoeMy master's lost his fiddlestickAnd doesn't knows what to doC...