Cold Feet - Albert King
Incomprehensible said about playing this chord
He ain't hitting the B flat right
I'm a make a hit
If it's the last thing I do
And I done come home to you
And you done put your cold feet on me
Get warm your feet woman
Hanging around the studio
For three days in a row now
Thinking nobody get a hit out of here
But Sam and Dave
Rufus Thomas or Carla Thomas
Or Eddie Floyd
They ain't the only ones
Who know how to play the blues
I can play the blues myself
I'm gonna give every disc jockey
The blues across the country
If he don't dig this
He got a hole in his soul
Yeah well
Hey ooh wee
If you hear a little fuss
It ain't nobody but us
采红菱 - 张德兰/区瑞强 (Albert Au)我们俩划着船儿采红菱呀采红菱得呀得郎有心得呀得妹有情就好像两角菱从来不分离呀我俩一条心我们俩划着船儿采红菱呀采红菱得呀得妹有情得呀得郎有心就好像两角菱也是同日生...
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一首老歌 - 关菊英/区瑞强 (Albert Au)词:郑国江曲:区瑞强/郑鸣编曲:关菊英/区瑞强女:山依旧往昔青葱男:水细诉着那小风波合:往事就似风中响起一首老歌女:歌曲风格或改变多始终唱着那些老歌每遇到苦恼事...
陌上归人 - 区瑞强 (Albert Au)词:郑国江曲:冯添枝斜阳伴晚烟我像归鸟倦晚霞伴我过稻田重回觅爱恋爱情路比阡陌乱情路太多弯转两心早相牵抑压痴痴念重逢恨晚亦未如愿从来情感多亏欠不知道在哪一天...
财神到 - 区瑞强 (Albert Au)财神到 财神到好心得好报财神话 财神话揾钱依正路财神到 财神到好走快两步得到佢睇起你 你有前途合虎庆新岁 喜气盈盈齐贺你多福荫 壮健强劲又祝你今年 庆获荣升朝晚多多欢笑 锦绣前程愿夫妇...