Daisy and Prudence - Erin McKeown
Written by:Erin McKeown
Hey fashion doll
Take off that wall for me
And only me
You all pretty pretty
With ribbons of indecision
And your lips well disguised
Hey fashion doll
Wake up wake up
No one will see
This is a moment we'll mark time by
Say we did that when
Say we did that why
And the clothes do not make the man
Desire is dressing up daisy
Prudence is putting on airs
And in September was indulgence and fall
What makes us beautiful
Daisy is as prudence does
And the fabric of seduction reveals
Beauty just because
Beauty just because
You're straddling me
Prudence she slowly
She takes off her
Daisy she fumble and laughs
And a meeting of the two is merely
Desire is dressing up daisy
Prudence is putting on airs
And somewhere in the middle you fall
You fall you fall
Hey fashion doll
Well you're straddling me
最后一夜 (RE-ARRANGED DISCO VERSION) - 刘美君 (Prudence Liew)词:林振强曲:T.Hendrik,K.Van Harren,M.Applegate放低 愿你把身体放低纵使 没法把心窝放低再伴我一晚 让记忆添一分美丽最后这一晚 就快消逝以后未来是个谜...
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左右手 (Live) - 刘美君 (Prudence Liew)词:林夕曲:叶良俊不知道为何你会远走不知道何时才再有对手我的身心只适应你没气力回头不知道为何你会放手只知道习惯抱你抱了太久怕这双手一失去你令动作颤抖尚记得左手边一...
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