Deeper And Deeper (越来越深) - Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals
Written by:Ben Harper/Michael Ward/The Innocent Criminals
Deeper and deeper until I drown
Hard going under without a sound
I try to run but you hold me down
Deeper and deeper until I drown
Longing is a ghost
When the one you love the most
No longer has you on their mind
On their mind
Deeper and deeper until I drown
Hard going under without a sound
I try to run but you hold me down
Deeper and deeper until I drown
Hell or high water
And hold on tight
And if you're not mine
I'll wait all night all night
Deeper and deeper until I drown
Hard going under without a sound
I try to run but you hold me down
Deeper and deeper until I drown
The branches are black
And the tree stands bare
Haunted by the bloom
That's no longer there
Clinging to the ground
Clinging to the ground
To grow another another ring around
Deeper and deeper until I drown
So hard going under without a sound
I try to run but you hold me down
You've got me deeper and deeper until I drown
爱的越真伤得越深 - DJ YiXiu爱你的人啊想你的人爱的真伤的越深负心的人啊 伤我的心相爱又欲罢不能爱你的人啊伤我的心分手在午夜十分痛苦的人啊痛苦的问难道曾经的相爱有缘无份那一次的偶然相遇缘让我认识了你相思树下许下心愿誓言...
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