Dreaming About You - 大智
Written by:大智
The stars seems to be talking
What beautiful night is going
The moon is shining
It's just like dreaming
Everything seems to be singing
What beautiful night is going
You're sleeping sleeping just like baby
In your sweet dream
I wanna put a spell over you
So that I can have you
For a second
I can tell I've got you
You open my closing heart
But I know it just dreaming
Cause you are like moon like star
So far for me touching
But I still wanna have you
You open my closing heart
How I wish all pleasures can come back
You let me smile let me fly
All the pain is going
But I know I am a dreamer
Dreaming about you
In your sweet dream
I wanna put a spell over you
So that I can have you
For a second
I can tell I've got you
You open my closing heart
But I know it just dreaming
Cause you are like moon like star
So far for me touching
But I still wanna have you
You open my closing heart
How I wish all pleasures can come back
You let me smile let me fly
All the pain is going
But I know I am a dreamer
Dreaming about you
You open my closing heart
But I know it just dreaming
Cause you are like moon like star
So far for me touching
But I still wanna have you
You open my closing heart
How I wish all pleasures can come back
You let me smile let me fly
All the pain is going
But I know I am a dreamer
Dreaming about you
睁一只眼闭一只眼 - 大智词:大智曲:大智小时候喜欢踮起脚尖远远眺望向往着花花世界还有未知的旅程听说身边的成年人总是潮流打扮生活滋润活得不赖寻寻觅觅倒也无妨好像这就是人生长大后我也人模人样摸爬滚打才发现生活纯属虚构谎言才是那苦口良药...
天亮以后 - 大智词:大智曲:大智月色已缓缓照亮了银河阔别已久的是你的眼眸反正离开是你的选择而我只能在这远远的守远远等别说晚安沉眠的夜色那么孤单路旁的灯火整夜的守候故事你的你诉说这遗憾或许这是最好的归宿请原谅我终不知道如何承受...
墙上的耳朵 - 大智词:大智曲:大智墙上多了好多耳朵有的肥大有的瘦小他们到底在偷听什么他们好像都长着眼睛奇怪的是有的睁着有的闭着没有瞳孔好奇怪好奇怪睁着的瞎了闭着的死了那些没有眼珠的我想是被谁吃了墙上的耳朵不要说出我的秘密你是...
Farewell - 大智Written by:大智/JohnI can't seem to understand you at allYour words are so fastBut I can't seem to followYa it's just the way I feelBut it's not...