Drowning Here with All My Friends (与我所有的朋友纵情欢乐) - Infinity Crush
Carve my lungs out to
Fill with these thoughts of you
The whole world is flooding
Like the dream where I
Was your mermaid
I'll drown the ghosts
That live inside your body
This world has made me soft
We are so fragile
We all tell each other
That we are pretty
Until the day we die
And sleep and repeat and
Make each other cry
The flowers in the park don't hurt or sympathize
Carve my lungs out to
Fill with these thoughts of you
The whole world is flooding
Like the dream where I
Was your mermaid
藏族人民纵情歌唱 - 张振富词:刘薇/石祥曲:王竹林火红的太阳照耀着金色的西藏哎藏族人民纵情歌唱哎山南处处盛开大寨花藏北草原牧业兴旺牛羊壮世界屋脊汽笛入云天万里高原凯歌传四方万里高原凯歌传四方遥望奔腾的雅鲁藏布江怎不思念高山顶...
Vivre A En Crever (纵情生活) - Hits Variété PopOn partSans savoirOù meurent les souvenirsNotre vie defile en l'espace d'un soupirNos pleursNos peursNe v...