Easy Street - Hit Co. Masters
I remember the way
Our sainted mother
Would sit and croon us
Her lullaby
She'd say kids there's a place
That's like no other
You got to get there before you die
You don't get there
By playing from the rule book
You stack the aces
You load the dice
Mother dear
Oh we know you're down there listening
How can we follow
Your sweet advice to
Easy street
Easy street
Where you sleep till noon
Yeah yeah yeah
She'd repeat
Easy street
Better get there
Easy street
Easy street
Where the rich folks play
Yeah yeah yeah
Move them feet
To easy street
When you get there stay
It ain't fair
How we scrounge
For three of four bucks
While she gets Warbucks
That little brat
It ain't fair this here life
Is driving me nuts
While we get peanuts
She's living fat
Maybe she holds the key
That little lady
To getting more bucks
Instead of less
Maybe we fix the game
With something shady
Where does that put us
Give you our guess
Easy street
Easy street
Annie is the key
Yes sirree
Yes sirree
Yes sirree
Easy street
Easy street
That's where we're gonna be
英文:be Lombard Street to a China orange中文意思:悬殊极大, 有天壤之别, 几乎确切无疑...
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