Flesh And Bone (And I'm Running Out Of Time) - The True Star (真正的明星)
I've gone through life white knuckling
The moments that left me behind
Refusing to heed the yield I penetrate
The force field in the blind
They say I'll adjust God knows I must
But I'm not sure how
This natural selection picked me out
To be a dark horse running in a fantasy
Flesh and bone
And I'm running out of time
Flesh and bone
Somewhere outside that finish line
I square up and break through the chains
I head like a raging bull anointed
By the blood I take the reins
Cut from the cloth of a flag that
Bears the name Battle Born
They'll call me the contender
Now listen for the bell
With my face flashing crimson
From the fires of hell
What are you afraid of
And what are you made of
Flesh and bone
And I'm running out of time
Flesh and bone
And what are you made of
Flesh and bone
Man I'm turning on a dime
Flesh and bone
(This could decay could decay could decay)
This could decay like the valley below
Defenses are down
The stakes are high
(You scour the crowd for a face of compassion)
The fairy tale end
(The grace of the journeymen fought us no more)
The staggering blow
(The moments of the truth and the roots of desire)
You led with your chin
(No neutral corners just a compass and the sun)
This could be real
(No neutral corners just a)
And what are you made of
Flesh and bone
And I'm running out of time
Flesh and bone
What are you made of
Faces forward and trade in
This blindness for the glow of love
And time is raging may it rage in vain
And you always had it but you never knew
So boots and saddles
Get on your feet
And there's no surrender 'cause there's no retreat
The bells are sounding
In this monster land
We're the descendants of giant men
那就这样吧(真正男子汉2) - 黄子韬词:崔宝民 曲:杨国丰编曲:远方都说男人活的好疲惫为了生活从早忙到黑雨打风吹也不能后退心中的苦要自己抚慰都说男人活的特别累太多压力要一个人背每分每秒都努力加倍受了伤也不能掉眼泪真正男子汉就要勇敢面对...
真正的我在哪里 - 林泰词:林泰曲:林泰为了生活我背叛了心面对镜子看待着陌生不知自己究竟是谁为何这样层层面面年少的单纯早已不在纯情的心染红了色真正的我在哪里我想找到我的魂真正的人在哪里为何抛弃我一人真正的我在哪里...
真正男子汉 - 龙绍洁&杨立 词:龙绍洁曲:龙绍洁制作人:龙绍洁我们 渴望 渴望渴望着一种光荣渴望一次次战胜一切对手无论 风雨 依旧会向前冲我们 冲开 冲向冲破那一切阻挡朵朵伞花绽放使命担当黑夜 黑夜从天而降 决胜疆场...
真正男子汉 - 司空雷词:司空雷,蓝乐曲:司空雷,蓝乐背起行囊 离开家乡到明白什么是天下从有人安慰 到一个人扛慢慢的长大从当初的弱不经风到习惯了风吹雨打忍着泪 我数着身上的伤疤走向远方 带着希望才知道什么是牵挂从爸爸妈妈 到现...
原来你从来没有真正爱过我 - 金嗣博我们也曾经 风雨中走过为你撑伞 陪你看雨后日落可是你突然对我说请我忘掉 曾经的承诺我明白你选择他 放弃了我奢侈华丽 成为桎梏你的枷锁到最后才懂得原来你从来没有真正爱过我我们也曾经 风雨中走过为你撑伞 陪你看雨后日落...