Fortune - Felt
And nothing seems to matter
When I'm on your side
I'm breaking my harm
Then you lost your pride
If it all gets too much
There's things you can do
To end it all now
Or see it all through
And tell me no stories
There's things to be said
To escape with a fortune
Your blood will be spared
And wisdom is your virtue
I heard them all scream
Led away to their own fates
I believe in your dreams
Poor people on the issue
Come fight for what's right
Go take what's yours
On the day of your voice
I need you oh
And those ghastly terms
A special fear
And it's me and a friend
Left in a room
Just me and a friend
Out of this place now
Or else we're never gonna get out of here
Just left in a room
That's all
英文:a soldier of fortune中文意思:兵痞...
英文:a gentleman of fortune中文意思:冒险家...
英文:a ball of fortune中文意思:受命运摆布的人...
英文:a child of fortune中文意思:幸运儿...
桃花 (Love fortune) - 刘振峰词:卓德民曲:刘振峰编曲:李炬从相识到相恋从分别到放手简简单单自然而然弹指一挥间却逝水流年记得去年今日站台上灿若桃花是你的脸此番乘车故地重游也只能和春风一起怅然喔...