
God rest you merry gentlemen - The King's Singers (国王歌手合唱团)-歌词

God rest you merry gentlemen - The King's Singers (国王歌手合唱团)

Boom boom boom boom

God rest to merry gentlemen

That nothing you dismay

Remember Christ our Savior

Was born upon Christmas day

To save us all from Satan's power

When we were gone astray

Oh tidings of comfort and joy

Comfort and joy

Oh tidings of comfort and joy

From God our heavenly Father

A blessed angel came

Unto some certain shepherds

Brought tidings of the same

How that was born in Bethlehem

Have the Son of God by name

Oh tidings of comfort and joy

Comfort and joy

Oh tidings of comfort and joy

Du du du du

The shepherds at those tidings

Rejoiced much in mind

And left their flocks a feeding

In tempest storm and wind

And selectly came to Bethlehem

Have the son of god to find

Oh tidings of comfort and joy

Oh tidings of comfort and joy

Comfort and joy

Ba ba ba ba ba ba

Now to the Lord sing praises

All you within this place

And with true love and brotherhood

Each other now embrace

For the many times of Christmas

Joy on the bands

Oh tidings of comfort and joy

Comfort and joy

Oh tidings of comfort and joy

Boom boom boom boom

Comfort and joy

Comfort and joy

Comfort and joy

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