Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (再见黄砖路) - Hit Co. Masters
Written by:Elton John/Bernie Taupin
When are you gonna come down
When are you going to land
I should have stayed on the farm
I should have listened to my old man
You know you can't hold me forever
I didn't sign up with you
I'm not a present for
Your friends to open
This boy's too young
To be singing the blues
So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You can't plant me
In your penthouse
I'm going back to my plough
Back to the howling
Old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh I've finally decided
My future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road
What do you think you'll do then
I bet that'll shoot down your plane
It'll take you a couple
Of vodka and tonics
To set you on your feet again
Maybe you'll get a replacement
There's plenty like me
To be found
Mongrels who ain't got a penny
Sniffing for tidbits like
You on the ground
So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You can't plant me
In your penthouse
I'm going back to my plough
Back to the howling
Old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh I've finally decided
My future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road
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这次说再见 何时再见绚烂之后将成永远迷茫的双眼手中的断剑也背叛了从前一句杀 太凶险闭上眼 谁管明天昨日的再见 不再见放逐之刃的宣言呼啸的生化炮弹在眼前那一刻所有梦想泯灭哭泣的灵魂不懂停歇心痛的剧烈那些欺世 战前宣言...