Gotta Get Back in Time (回家) (《飞哥与小佛:暑假的最后一天》动画片插曲) - Matt Bissonette
When you're running out of time
It's hard to know how fast you're goin'
You could be a minute or an hour late
There's just no way of knowin'
And when I say we're running out of time
I don't mean time is depleted no
No we're not running late
We're just physically outside of the flow
By the flow we mean chronological time
We gotta get back in time
We gotta get back in time
We gotta get back in time
We gotta get back in time
We gotta-gotta get back
Gotta-gotta get back in time
We gotta get back in time yeah
When I say we must get back in time
I must admit that I mean it two ways
I mean we have to get back into the flow of time
But also that we have to do it fast
Because we're runnin' out of time
But not the way I said that earlier
Not the way I indicated earlier
We gotta get back in time
We gotta get back in time
We gotta get back in time
We gotta get back in time
We gotta-gotta get back
Gotta-gotta get back in time
Gotta-gotta get back in time yeah
We gotta get back in time
We gotta get back in time
We gotta get back in time
We gotta get back in time
We gotta-gotta get back
Gotta-gotta get back in time
飞翔 (《精卫填海》动画片主题曲) - 朱铭捷词:张海宁曲:郑方苍天如此太遥远 我心在飞翔哪怕到了世界尽头 也要飞向前方大海何以会不平 我情多感伤就算耗尽所有生命 也要拥抱住梦想愿我的温柔翅膀 穿越那惊涛骇浪带给你无穷的力量 伴随爱远航爱在你我心间 笑看这沧海桑田...
顽石 (《大圣归来》动画片片尾曲) - 萧忆情 (Alex)词:贰哲曲:卡其漠/萧忆情望生死枯荣齐天英勇转瞬空空掌峰下梵声吟咏愿以虔心 青灯古佛终偏安一隅于仙洞曾比肩九霄神勇百年转瞬翻涌忘却何为英雄那一声称颂凡夫也为真英雄...
逐梦 (《灵域》动画片宣传曲) - 鲸鱼岛乐队词:小鲸鲸曲:白森我曾画过蓝色雾霭昼夜星辰也曾到过寸草不生荒野小村现在的我为了生活把梦封存默默在等一个时刻别沮丧别在乎昨天模样现实再荒唐要坚持心中的梦想Just watch妥协并不代表我愿意投降...
快乐少年 (《少年师爷1》动画片主题曲) - 网络歌手乌篷小船摇动清波青石小巷绕绿了墙翩翩少年他聪明可爱花样年华要尽情飞扬小小的年纪大大智慧所有难题都难不倒他大大的眼睛小小画扇所有快乐就找到答案你们说我是什么神童嗯我真的天生也没那么强有时候...