Greed (贪婪) - The Bruisers
The time has come come to make a choice
Forgotten by our government I thought it was my voice
As the truth starts to become apparent
You know it was lies the politicians talent
Tats beer music our world wide bond
In a white collar world they sing a different song
When you meet in the street remember walk proud
You made your country strong the system let us down
How many times listen to faces full of lies
How many times going to stand alone not even try
It's only time before I hit you right between the eyes
Can't waste my time its my life until I die to the die
The reward you get for your aches and pains
Is a weekly insult no chance for gains
For years you're stuck
Between dealers and homeless
The man in the middle always doing his best
Are you still proud of who and what you are
You can bet your sweet ass the boss likes his new car
We go our way and they go theirs
Then greed takes over and who the f**k cares
How many times listen to faces full of lies
How many times going to stand alone not even try
It's only time before I hit you right between the eyes
Can't waste my time its my life until I die to the die
The money makers in their pressed wool suits
I got sweat on my face and dirt on my boots
When you're handing me my last paycheck
With a smile on your face cause your a lying prick
The companies going south and are you going with it
The bank wants my house and everything in it
Seen it in others eyes like a failure left alone
You're a working class hero from the day you were born
How many times listen to faces full of lies
How many times going to stand alone not even try
It's only time before I hit you right between the eyes
Can't waste my time its my life until I die to the die
贪婪构成了我们 - 翁暮卉词:翁暮卉曲:翁暮卉编曲:翁暮卉嘿嘿 go go快乐的时候 加油动动身体让心情放松嘿嘿 go go快乐的时候 振作动动身体让心情放松听我把旋律轻轻玩转了整个宇宙看我把颜色巧妙搭配了整个场...
天生的贪婪 - 孙天燕词:杨伟林曲:杨伟林挽留的话怎么会说不清楚笨拙的话语泄漏我的糊涂我知道你懂得我心里的苦我知道你和我一样的酸楚请别苛责我改变了没有贪婪是天生的当我渐渐爱上罪恶不再像你一样困惑挽留的话怎么会说不清楚笨拙的话语...
Greedy (贪婪) - RanjiniI get that craving for misbehavingWhenever youre nearNature's calling my bodys falling I need you hereComin' with that good good stuff for the bod...
自私、贪婪乃人类的劣根性的表现。纵观人类历史的长河中,具有如此品性的人会有如何的结局,想必不用小编一一叙述。童鞋们,我们要培养好正确的三观,把偶有的一点或小小的自私贪婪的苗头掐掉,(要用尽洪荒之力啊~ 亲~不然春风吹又生的事你又不是不知道)。然后像初升的太阳一样,成为一个具有满满正能量的人,把暖意传递到世界的每一个角落~ Fighting!~~"Nowadays...