Hernando's Hideaway (赫南多的世外桃源) - Donald O'Conner
I know a dark secluded place
A place where no one knows your face
A glass of wine a fast embrace
It's called hernando's hideaway ole
All you see are silohuettes
And all you hear are castanetts
And no one cares how late it gets
Not at hernando's hideaway ole
At the golden fingerbowl
Or any place you go
You will meet your uncle Max
And everyone you know
But if you go to the spot
That I'm thinking of
You will be free
To gaze at me and talk of love
Just knock three times and whisper low
That you and I were sent by Joe
Then strike and match and you will know
You're in hernando's hideaway ole
You will be free
To gaze at me and talk of love
Just knock three times and whisper low
That you and I were sent by Joe
Then strike on match and you will know
You're in hernando's hideaway ole
中文:世外桃源英文翻译:a haven of peace...
世外桃源 - 邹兴兰词:谢军曲:谢军青青的山 绿绿的水闭上眼睛想起酒窝的妹妹马车在赶 船儿在追转眼间三天三夜春光美幸福的人不愿山外回醇香的米酒让我心儿醉炊烟在飘香 歌声在流淌我们牵手斜阳岁月轮回你在山的那一边我在山的这一边...
世外桃源 (Live) - 谭咏麟 (Alan Tam)词:向雪怀曲:谭咏麟我的心已跟海风流浪我的影同样寻觅去向如海鸥剪破了寂静如斜阳随水荡随天光走到了日落人爱上懒洋洋我于蒸发感觉中流汗我的思绪像潮汐退涨人海中飘泊似踏浪仍然顽强闯荡...
Hernando's Hideaway (赫南多的世外桃源) - Josef LauferI know a dark secluded placeA place where no one knows your face A glass of wine a fast embraceIt's called Hernando's Hide...
Hernando's Hideaway (赫南多的世外桃源) - Johnstone BrothersI know a dark secluded placeA place where no one knows your faceA glass of wine a fast embraceIt's called Hernando's...