Heroes (英雄) - #1 Hits Now
Written by:A. Malmberg Hård af Segerstad/L. Deb/J. Deb
Don't tell the gods I left a mess
I can't undo what has been done
Let's run for cover
What if I'm the only hero left
You better fire off your gun
Once and forever
He said go dry your eyes
And live your life like there is no tomorrow son
And tell the others
To go sing it like a hummingbird
The greatest anthem ever heard
We are the heroes of our time
But we're dancing with the demons in our minds
We are the heroes of our time
Heroes oh whoa
But we're dancing with the demons in our minds
Heroes oh whoa
We are the heroes of our time
Heroes oh whoa
But we're dancing with the demons in our minds
Heroes oh whoa
The crickets sing a song for you
Don't say a word don't make a sound
It's life's creation
I make worms turn into butterflies
Wake up and turn this world around
In appreciation
He said I never left your side
When you were lost I followed right behind
Was your foundation
Now go sing it like a hummingbird
The greatest anthem ever heard
Now sing together
We are the heroes of our time
Heroes oh whoa
But we're dancing with the demons in our minds
Heroes oh whoa
We are the heroes
We keep dancing with the demons
You could be a hero
Now go sing it like a hummingbird
The greatest anthem ever heard
Now sing together
We are the heroes of our time
Heroes oh whoa
But we're dancing with the demons in our minds
Heroes oh whoa
We are the heroes of our time
Heroes oh whoa
But we're dancing with the demons in our minds
Heroes oh whoa
We are the heroes
梦回长安 - 周冬晨/英雄堂词:周冬晨/何瑶曲:三石上朝吾皇万岁万岁万万岁众爱卿平身谢皇上咳有事上奏没有事退朝皇上我有事要说嘛事说灯光伴舞康桑Music启禀皇上小人刚从未来回归回到您的身旁...
来俺青岛玩玩 - 王琨/英雄堂来来来 你别叨叨了来 就你伙计 给我闭嘴听到没有我地街13来给你讲两句了啊 都给我听好了 Yo 走你干什么 你干什么我没干什么你没干什么就来俺青岛玩俺这 秀丽地崂山 漂亮地大妹儿 宽广的大海你望不到边 你干什么...
风中的英雄 - 樊凡 (FAN FAN)词:樊凡/周德生曲:杨炅翰听着掌声 好像波涛汹涌那一刻 感动激动当我们彼此相拥分享光荣平凡却不平庸曾年少怀梦 曾多少次把眼眶哭红有过谷底和巅峰 却难以形容失落和沉重 太多太多都值得歌颂感谢它教会我执着和忍痛...
风中的英雄 - 冥笛矗立在风中看波涛汹涌巨浪翻滚澎湃激荡我心中任凭狂风呼啸过我是风中的英雄迎风破浪也要勇敢向前冲追寻梦想我不畏那惊涛骇浪到达彼岸是我唯一所想驾御巨浪梦想就在我们前方我只能不顾一切勇往前闯海鸟愿为我...
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