Hi Ho Silver Lining (一线希望) - Jukebox Junction
You're everywhere and nowhere baby
That's where you're at
Going down the bumpy hillside
In your hippie hat
Flying across the country
And getting fat
Saying everything is groovy
When your tires are flat
And it's hi ho silver lining
Anywhere you go now baby
I see your sun is shining
But I will make a fuss
Though it's obvious
Flies are in your pea soup baby
They're waving at me
Anything you want is yours now
Only nothing's for free
Life's a gonna get you someday
Just wait and see
So put up your beach umbrella
While you're watching TV
And it's hi ho silver lining
Anywhere you go well baby
I see your sun is shining
But I will make a fuss
Though it's obvious
And it's hi ho silver lining
Anywhere you go now baby
I see your sun is shining
But I will make a fuss
Though it's obvious
And it's hi ho silver lining
Anywhere you go now baby
I see your sun is shining
But I will make a fuss
Though it's obvious
中文:一线英文翻译:a gleam of...
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网络一线牵演唱:安东阳你在那一边 我在这一边一遍一遍聊出了 你我的心愿我说我缺点 你说你优点相同默契的眼神 约定了明天我在这一边 你在那一边千里相隔的你我 锁定的情感你说你执着 我说我不变日思夜想把你等 把你期盼相信总会有一天 我们一定会见面...
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姻缘一线牵 - 胭脂雪飘飘曲:馨曦独舞那是一个初夏的夜晚你和我相约在小河边倾诉的思念说呀说不完分别时那一刻你偷偷地塞我一纸签轻轻打开神秘的纸签清秀的字迹映入我眼帘字字句句拨动我心弦那是你的真情表白也是我们爱情姻缘一线牵终生的约...