His Latest Flame (新生火焰) - The Tribute Co.
A very old friend came by today
'Cause he was telling everyone in town
About the love that he just found
And Marie's the name of his latest flame
He talked and talked and I heard him say
That she had the longest blackest hair
The prettiest green eyes anywhere
And Marie's the name of his latest flame
Though I smiled the tears inside were a-burning
I wished him luck and then he said goodbye
He was gone but still his words kept returning
What else was there for me to do but cry
Would you believe that yesterday
This girl was in my arms and swore to me
She'd be mine eternally
And Marie's the name of his latest flame
Though I smiled the tears inside were a-burning
I wished him luck and then he said goodbye
He was gone but still his words kept returning
What else was there for me to do but cry
Would you believe that yesterday
This girl was in my arms and swore to me
She'd be mine eternally
And Marie's the name of his latest flame
And Marie's the name of his latest flame
And Marie's the name of his latest flame
中文:反闪火焰英文翻译:【化】flash-back fire...
中文:发射火焰光度法英文翻译:【机】emission flame photometry...
中文:双道火焰光度检测器英文翻译:【化】dual-channel flame photometric detector...
中文:冷火焰英文翻译:【机】cool flame...