History Repeats Itself (Part 2) - Buddy Starcher
Glory glory hallejuah his truth is marching on
Here are some facts strange as they may seem
But proof that history not only repeats itself
But it repeats with facts that are stranger than fiction
President Lincoln was shot in the Ford Theatre
President Kennedy was shot in a Lincoln automobile
Lincoln was shot with a pistol and his assassin was shot with a riffle
Kennedy was shut with the riffle and his assassin was shut with a pistol
John Wilkes Booth the man who shot Lincoln
Was killed by a man in uniform but in the presence of civilians
Lee Harvey Oswald the man that shot Kennedy
Was killed by a civilian in the presence of men in uniform
The chosen name of the man that shot Booth was Red Kelly
The chosen name of the man who shot Oswald was Jack Ruby
Each of these names Red Kelly and Jack Ruby contain eight letters
Booth's killer did not go by his correct first name
Oswald's killer did not go by his correct last name
Booth was shot before Lincoln was buried
Oswald was shut before Kennedy was buried
These are documented facts that prove that truth is stranger than fiction
Even when history does repeat itself
His truth is marching on