Hoochie Coochie Man (男子汉) - Dave Berry
Gypsy woman told my mother
Before I was born
You got a boy child's comin'
He's gonna be a son of a gun
He gonna make pretty women
Jump and shout
Then the world wanna know
What it's all about
But you know I'm here
Everybody knows I'm here
Well you know the hoochie coochie man
Everybody knows I'm him
I got a black cat bone
I got a mojo too
I got the Johnny Concheroo
I'm gonna mess with you
I'm gonna make you girls
Lead me by my hand
Then the world will know
That I'm the hoochie coochie man
You know I'm him
Everybody knows I'm him
Oh you know the hoochie coochie man
Everybody knows I'm him
On the seventh hour
On the seventh day
On the seventh month
The seven doctors say
"We was born for good luck
And that you'll see
I got seven hundred dollars
Don't you mess with me"
But you know I'm him
Everybody knows I'm him
Well you know I'm the hoochie coochie man
Everybody knows I'm him
那就这样吧(真正男子汉2) - 黄子韬词:崔宝民 曲:杨国丰编曲:远方都说男人活的好疲惫为了生活从早忙到黑雨打风吹也不能后退心中的苦要自己抚慰都说男人活的特别累太多压力要一个人背每分每秒都努力加倍受了伤也不能掉眼泪真正男子汉就要勇敢面对...
真正男子汉 - 龙绍洁&杨立 词:龙绍洁曲:龙绍洁制作人:龙绍洁我们 渴望 渴望渴望着一种光荣渴望一次次战胜一切对手无论 风雨 依旧会向前冲我们 冲开 冲向冲破那一切阻挡朵朵伞花绽放使命担当黑夜 黑夜从天而降 决胜疆场...
真正男子汉 - 司空雷词:司空雷,蓝乐曲:司空雷,蓝乐背起行囊 离开家乡到明白什么是天下从有人安慰 到一个人扛慢慢的长大从当初的弱不经风到习惯了风吹雨打忍着泪 我数着身上的伤疤走向远方 带着希望才知道什么是牵挂从爸爸妈妈 到现...
男子汉 - 阿汤哥词:马双云曲:李泽坚一直拖着行李向着前方从未想过停下来的欲望就像小蚂蚁赢得了大象哪怕下一站要饮尽风霜一直都装有满怀的梦想饱含激情不怕历尽沧桑哪怕竹篮打水空一场总要尝试 站起来的高昂我是男子汉一身正能量再多困难...