How Can I Keep From Singing - Project-24
My life goes on in endless song
Above earth's lamentations
I hear the real though far-off hymn
That hails a new creation
Through all the tumult and the strife
I hear it's music ringing
It sounds an echo in my soul
How can I keep from singing
While though the tempest loudly roars
I hear the truth it liveth
And though the darkness 'round me close
Songs in the night it giveth
No storm can shake my inmost calm
While to that rock I'm clinging
Since love is lord of heaven and earth
How can I keep from singing
When tyrants tremble in their fear
And hear their death knell ringing
When friends rejoice both far and near
How can I keep from singing
In prison cell and dungeon vile
Our thoughts to them are winging
When friends by shame are undefiled
How can I keep from singing
英文:audio singing中文意思:【电】声频振鸣...
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