How Did He Look - Julie London (茱莉·伦敦)
So you ran into my former fiance
You saw him dancing
In some cafe
Now I haven't seen him since a year ago
And there are so many things
I like to know
How did he look Did he seem happy
他看起来怎么样 他看起来开心吗
While they were dancing did
He whisper things in her ear
And did he light her cigarette was he attentive
他有没有为她点燃香烟 他是不是很细心
The way he used to be with me
What was she like Was she attractive
她看起来怎么样 她是否魅力十足
Was there a smile upon his face
Or did he seem bored
Not that I really care I know
Our love affair can never be
But how did he look and did he ask about me
但是他看起来怎么样 他有没有问到我
How Did He Look - Julie London
You're Blasé - Julie London (茱莉·伦敦)You're deep just like a chasmYou've no enthusiasmYou're tired and uninspiredYou're blaseYour day is one of leisureIn whi...
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Why Don't You Do Right - Julie London (茱莉·伦敦)Written by:Cole PorterWhile tearing off a game of golfI may make a play for the caddyBut if I do I don't follow through...
Why Don't You Do Right - Julie London (茱莉·伦敦)Written by:Cole PorterWhile tearing off a game of golfI may make a play for the caddyBut if I do I don't follow through...
Why Don't You Do Right - Julie London (茱莉·伦敦)Written by:Cole PorterWhile tearing off a game of golfI may make a play for the caddyBut if I do I don't follow through...