How Much Is That Doggie in the Window (橱窗里的小狗多少钱) - The Jamborees
How much is that doggie in the window
The one with the waggley tail
How much is that doggie in the window
I do hope that doggie's for sale
I don't want a bunny or a kitty
I don't want a parrot that talks
I don't want a bowl of little fishies
You can't take a goldfish for a walk
How much is that doggie in the window
The one with the waggley tail
How much is that doggie in the window
I do hope that doggie's for sale
I do hope that doggie's for sale
那橱窗里的娃娃耳边清亮亮的发眼神里纯净忧郁寂寞对我浅浅笑天生特立独行傲娇潇洒不要怕别人的想法伤心时独自难过不打扰谁我们相视相视 笑笑笑这世界天空已开始阴霾连霓虹碎成好几块天黑时我抱着心爱的娃娃到窗外天渐渐泛白嘟噜噜噜噜噜噜噜...