I See The Moon (我看见了月亮) - The Stargazers
Over the mountain over the sea
Back where my heart is longing to be
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love
I see the moon the moon sees me
Down through the leaves of the old oak tree
Please Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love
Over the mountain over the sea
Back where my heart is longing to be
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love
Let the little lady with the tambourine sing
Hee hee hee
I kissed the rose no not yet
I kissed the rose no not yet
I kissed the rose and the
No not yet now
I kissed the rose the rose kissed me
Fragrant as only a rose can be
Sing a little louder miss
Please take the kiss
Not too loud that comforts me
Back to the one I love
Everybody altogether
Over the mountain over the sea
Back where my heart
Back where my heart is longing to be
Please let the light
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love
Shine on the one I love
Everybody once again
Over the mountain over the sea
Back where my heart is longing to be
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love
Der Deal - Udo Lindenberg (乌多·林登贝格)/Silbermond (银月亮)Written by:Jörg Sander/Sandi Strmljan/Udo Lindenberg/Silbermond/Bernd Wendlandt/Ingo PolitzMan ist komplett coolMan denkt di...
陪我入睡的月亮 - 刘竣潇词:周兵曲:王浩风儿吹来了花儿香又是静悄悄的晚上天上有个圆月亮我偷偷许一个愿望鱼儿游 在小池塘美好如童年的时光对着月亮说晚安我偷偷的进入梦想陪我入睡的月亮梦里和我把歌唱歌声飘到了远方...
醉了你我醉了月亮 - 刘贵贤词:龙远开曲:大雷山清水秀鸟语花香青草如茵红桃绿杨莺啼燕昵流水潺潺难忘昔日你我诉说衷肠星星去了月亮走了多想挽留住美好时光甜蜜的话儿如美酒醉了地久醉了天长杨柳依依风儿送爽月光明媚神情荡漾...
草原的月亮 - 胡栓栓每当月亮挂在天上草原就变得变得很安详风吹过绿波 泥土沁香我和思念进入进入梦乡每当月光洒在毡房只有那云朵静静的欣赏阿妈的摇篮童年里晃古老的故事慢慢慢慢讲草原上的月亮阿妈的目光照亮我心中那一份思...
草原的月亮 (DJ何鹏版) - 赵真那轻轻的河水在流淌我仰望着草原的月亮一阵深深的思念 陪我遥望草原的月亮我心中的阿哥 你何时回家乡有没有穿着我做的那件衣裳那青青绿绿的草原是我日夜思念的家乡一阵深深的思念 陪我住在那毡房我心中的阿妹 你可睡得香多想轻轻亲...