I Threw Away the Rose (扔掉玫瑰) - Cliff Ledger
Once i lived the life of wine and roses roses
And i drank a lot back then for one concern one concern
Success for me lay just around the corner corner
I thought my social friends
Would help me make the turn
But now i'm paying for
The days of wine and roses
A victim of the drunken life i chose
Now all my social friends look down their noses
Cause i kept the wine and threw away the rose
Cause i kept the wine and threw away the rose
I stood by and watched
The bottle take control of me of me
The turn i made was not the one i'd planned i'd planned
And i watched my social
Standings slip away from me away from me
While i slowly watched the bottle take command
But now i'm paying for
The days of wine and roses
A victim of the drunken life i chose
Now all my social friends look down their noses
Cause i kept the wine and threw away the rose
Cause i kept the wine and threw away the rose
你对于自己的雅思考试有哪些应对之策呢?比如作文部分,在雅思写作考试中,如果词组用的得当的话,是会有锦上添花的作用,但是反之,就会影响成绩了,今天我们整理了高分雅思写作需要避免的词组,供大家参考,一起来了解吧! 1. a lot of/lots of 这对词组一般不要出现在academic essay中,考官已经看烦了。可以用A considerable n...
如何扔掉单词书搞定四六级词汇?小编提供一下6个妙招助你轻松跨过单词关。Rule No.1 不要背单词书光背单词的效果不大,容易忘记,而且有时候明明知道的单词,听的时候又不知道是哪了。很多人背单词都会拿一本单词书翻来覆去一遍一遍地背,结果大部分人都是背了后边忘了前边。常规的单词书都是英语单词加汉语意思,非常枯燥,看看就...