I Walked Today - Calvarymen Quartet
I walked today where Jesus walked
In days of long ago
I wandered down each path He knew
With reverent step and slow
Those little lanes they have not changed
A sweet peace fills the air
I walked today where Jesus walked
And felt Him felt unafraid
My pathway led through Bethlehem
A memory's ever sweet
The little hills of Galilee
That knew those childish feet
The Mount of Olives hallowed scenes
That Jesus knew before
I saw the mighty Jordan row
As in the days of yore
I knelt today where Jesus knelt
Where all alone he prayed
The Garden of Gethsemane
My heart felt unafraid
I picked my heavy burden up
And with Him by my side
I climbed the Hill of Calvary
I climbed the Hill of Calvary
I climbed the Hill of Calvary
Where on the Cross He died
I walked today where Jesus walked
And felt Him close to me
Deep River (深河) - Calvarymen QuartetDeep river my home is over JordanDeep river Lord I want to cross over into camp-groundOh don't you want to go to that gospel feastTha...
Crown Him With Many Crowns (拥戴我主为王) - Calvarymen QuartetCrown him with many crownsThe Lamb upon the throneHark how the heavenly anthem drownsAll music but its own...
Breath of Calvary - Calvarymen QuartetBreathe Almighty breath fromHeaven on earth's dry and parched plainsSend the windswept clouds before usDeluging the earth with rain...