I'm Going To Live The Life I Sing About In My Song (过着歌声里面的生活) - Mahalia Jackson
Written by:Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey
I'm gonna live the life
I sing about in my song
I'm gonna stand right
Always showing the wrong
If I'm in the crowd
If I'm alone on the streets or alone in my home
I'm gonna live the life
I sing about in my song
Everyday everywhere
On the busy thoroughfare
Folks may watch me folks may spot me
Say I'm foolish but I don't care
I can't go to church
Shout all day Sunday
Go out and get drunk
And raise sand all day Monday
I'm gonna live the life
I sing about in my song
Oh lord in my song
Not for gold nor for fame
But for the love of jesus name
I am always up the straight
And narrow way
Yes narrow way
Jesus promise me
What I give down
He gonna give me
Accround of love
Yes I'm gonna to live
Accround of love
Yeah I sing about in my song
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歌声里的回忆 - 花小贱你存在我深深的脑海里我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里你存在我深深的脑海里我的梦里我的心里我的歌声里我想告诉你你一直在我歌声里你在我的回忆一直都挥散不去虽然度过了那些曾经拥有过的记忆曾经有过的点点...
歌声里的回忆 - 烟雨☆百合 词:夏敢若何曲:陈伟弯弯的月亮藏在故乡的云里光阴的故事留下童年的印记高高谷堆旁飘来一支小夜曲是谁打开思念的窗把你想起三月的小雨捎来丝丝的甜蜜城里的月光也说真的好想你栀子花开又可曾梦见炊烟起是谁淌过星星的河把我偎依...