If Only I Could Live My Life Again - Jane Morgan
If only I could live my life again
I wouldn't search for wealth or fame or power
I'd search for friends and if I found a few
I'd serve them well my every waking hour
Oh to live my life again
If only I could have another chance
I'd spend more time just being nice to people
My soul would find that building with a steeple
If only I could live my life again
If only I could live my life again
I wouldn't take so many things for granted
I wouldn't make the same mistakes again
And I'd destroy each bitter seed I planted
Oh to live my life again
I'd try to change to smile a little more
I'd try to change to always be forgiving
I'd change my ways for as long as I am living
One thing remains through everything I do
I'd never change my endless love for you
Tennessee Bird Walk - Jack Blanchard/Misty MorganTake away the trees and the birdsAll have to sit upon the groundUumTake away their wings andThe birds will have t...
Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Judy Garland/Ray Bolger/Bert Lahr/Jack Haley/Frank Morgan Somewhere over the rainbow在彩虹之上的某个地方Way up high有个很高的地方There's a la...
Seven Letters - Derrick Morgan/Derrick Seymour Morgan以下歌词翻译由微信翻译提供This is my last letter dear to you这是我最后一封信亲爱的你This is my last letter baby这是我最后一封信宝贝I jus...
Rescue Me - Duane Stephenson/Gramps MorganHey duaneDon't even look at herGramps she is my girlWhatI remembered seeing her firstShe was hanging with her two...
Over the Edge (出界) - Katy Goodman/Greta MorganIt's not the truth I seeIt's just a mockeryDon't need to waste my timeYou know I've really triedYou take and never g...