Impatience - Conveyer
You've never been the one to blame
You've never been the one to blame
That one to know that I'm at fault
But never take it out on me
If the two of us were both the same
I wouldn't know where I need to be
You're the bigger picture I can't see
This one goes out to you
Solitude at least that's what I call it
Keeping those streets of gold on my mind
I don't know why as the years they pass me by
It gets harder just to take my time
No one to keep me from you
No one to stay my hand from seeking the truth
From reaching up for the only hope I ever knew
For every time I wasn't honest kind or true
I used to think I was lucky
But I've realized now
I'm just blessed that
I found some sort of
Home in a heart even though I lived so long in selfishness
Because I've learned
You know my heart more
Than you know my routine
And most nights it's all
I need to be able to fall asleep
Because I've learned running
Away from home is like finding
Strength in weakness but
I always come back around knowing
That I can't continue to live like this
So thank you for your honesty
I've found that love has gone
From just being sobering to being
So refreshing
And even if pain doesn't go away
I just thank God you decided to stay
Because I know I have purpose
When you purposefully tell me
You that see something in me even
When I can't see myself
If this hasn't been waiting in vain
I could consider this monogamy
Living devoted and betrothed to the one
Who believed in me and wouldn't give up
If the clock looks like it ticks too slow
Even when it's given time to grow
I'll know for sure that
It was my own impatience
That I'd feel better if my ego was vacant
In closing I'd like to thank you for her
For every word she spoke to help me rest assured
That I'm not lonely that I'm not falling away
For every time she reminds me of
You and lives up to her name
Thank you for everything thank
You for having patience with me
Thank you for reminding me that
God is all that I will ever need
Thank you for praying for me
Thank you for giving me room to breathe
Thank you for letting me see
Who I am and who I want to be