
Josephine Please No Lean On The Bell - Eddie Cantor-歌词

Josephine Please No Lean On The Bell - Eddie Cantor

Josephine and Joe were so in love

So in love so much in love

In the hall for hours they would stay

When Josephine came in she'd hear her mother say

Josephine a please don't leana on the bell

When you smooch please don't pusha the bell

I heard Mrs caruso telling Mrs soflynn

Somebody keeps ringing but nobody comes in

You can squeeze all you please it's all right

But don'ta keep us from sleep every night

When you make a love in the hall

Stay away from the wall

Josephine please don't leana

On the bell

Oh you come home from work and I make you supper

I make a nice macroni

But you makea sit down then you makea get up

A fella you call on the phone

Then you go to the park and sit in the dark

And make what they calla the pep

It's lipstick here it's a hicey there

You don't get it from meat and spaghet

You a say a good night about eleven o'clock

That's a what a good gal a should do

But you take a too long when you say the good night

You no finish till half a past two

Say why you no bring a your feller upstairs

Ravioli with peppers I cook

You can make a the love with the kiss and the hug

And the mom and the pop they no look

Bring a you up and make a you fat

With the soup and the pasta fazool

Now you stay up a late and it make a you thin

What's a matter you make a me fool

Why you no get marriage and raise a the fam

Then I make a you promise I keep

I'll buy you the furnish and pay for your rent

Then we all a can get a the sleep

Josefina please no lean a on the bell

When you moosh please no poosh on the bell

You could have some a song when some has gone

Josefina please no lean a on the bell

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