Just You Wait (你只是等待) - The New Musical Cast
Just you wait 'enry 'iggins just you wait
You'll be sorry but your tears 'll be to late
You'll be broke and I'll have money
Will I help you Don't be funny
Just you wait 'enry 'iggins just you wait
Just you wait 'enry 'iggins till you're sick
And you scream to fetch a doctor double quick
I'll be off a second later
And go straight to the theater
Oh ho ho 'enry 'iggins just you wait
Ooo 'enry 'iggins
Just you wait until we're swimmin' in the sea
Ooo 'enry 'iggins
And you get a cramp a little ways from me
When you yell you're going to drown
I'll get dressed and go to town
Oh ho ho 'enry 'iggins oh ho ho
'Enry 'iggins just you wait
One day I'll be famous
I'll be proper and prim
Go to St James so often I will call it St Jim
One evening the king will say
"Oh Liza old thing
I want all of England your praises to sing"
Next week on the twentieth of May
I proclaim Liza Doolittle day
All the people will celebrate the glory of you
And whatever you wish and want I gladly will do
"Oh thanks a lot" king says I
In a manner well bred
But all I want is 'enry 'iggins 'ead
"Done " says the king with a stroke
Guard run and bring in the bloke
Then they'll march you
'Enry 'iggins to the wall
And the king will tell me
"Liza sound the call"
As they raise their rifles higher I'll shout
"Ready aim fire"
Oh ho ho 'enry 'iggins down you'll go
'Enry 'iggins just you wait
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