Last Night a DJ Saved My Life (From "Dj Hero") - God Is A DJ
Last night a DJ saved my life
Last night a DJ saved my life
Cause I was sittin' there bored to death
And in just one breath he said
You gotta get up
You gotta get up
You gotta get down girl
You know you drive me crazy baby
You've got me turning to another man
Called you on the phone
No one's home
Baby why ya leave me all alone
And if it wasn't for the music
I don't know what I'd do
Last night a DJ saved my life
Last night a DJ saved my life from a broken heart
Last night a DJ saved my life
Last night a DJ saved my life with a song
You know I hopped into my car
Didn't get very far no
Because I had you on my mind
Why be so unkind
You've got your women all around
All around this town
But I was trapped in love with you
And I didn't know what to do
But when I turned on my radio
I found out all I needed to know
Check it out
Last night a DJ saved my life
Last night a DJ saved my life from a broken heart
Last night a DJ saved my life
Last night a DJ saved my life with a song
There's not a problem that I can't fix
'Cause I can do it in the mix
And if your man gives you trouble
Just move out on a double
And you don't let it trouble your brain
'Cause away goes trouble down the drain
Said away goes trouble down the drain
In the mix in the mix in the mix in the mix
In the mix in the mix
Last night a DJ saved my life
Last night a DJ saved my life from a broken heart
Last night a DJ saved my life
Last night a DJ saved my life with a song
Last night a DJ saved my life
Last night a DJ saved my life from a broken heart
Last night a DJ saved my life
Last night a DJ saved my life with a song
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