Leonard Bernstein: I Hate Music, Cycle of '5 kid songs' for soprano & piano: I Hate Music - Bidu Sayao
I hate music but I like to sing
But that's not music Not
What I call music no sir
Music is a lot of men with a lot
Of tails making lots of
Noise like a lot of
Music is a lot of folks in a big
Dark hall where they really
Don't want to be
At all with a lot of chairs
And a lot of heirs and a
Lot of furs and diamonds
Music is silly
I hate music
But i like to sing
"I Hate Music" - Leonard Bernstein
英文:chin music中文意思:闲谈...
英文:background music中文意思:【电】陪衬音乐...
英文:Bachelor of Music中文意思:音乐学士...
英文:absolute music中文意思:纯音乐...
White Christmas - Trad. Christmas Carol/Christmas Kids/Christmas Music Central I'm dreaming of a white Christmas我幻想着一个白色的圣诞节Just like the ones I used to know就像我...