Living in your town
Mankind's crowd
You try to say I'm lazy
I just call it living in your town
Well if everyone was just the same
Then some just play a different game
I call it living in your town
Living in your town
Living in this age
World so full of rage
You try to say I'm crazy
I just call it living in that age
英文:damage by living organisms中文意思:【建】由微生物所造成的损伤...
英文:clean-living中文意思:a. 生活严谨的, 不淫猥的...
英文:atlas of the living resources of the sea中文意思:【法】海洋生物资源分布图...
英文:absolute standard of living中文意思:【经】最低生活费...
You're living in dustAnd dirt of this worldYou're longing so muchTo achieve something goodYou know you're rightNothing lasts foreverThere ain't much time...