Living On My Own (独自生活) - Hits Variété Pop
Sometimes I feel I'm gonna break down and cry
Nowhere to go nothing to do with my time
I get lonely so lonely living on my own
Sometimes I feel I'm always walking too fast
And everything is coming down on me down on me
I go crazy
Oh so crazy I'm living on my own
Dee do de de dee do de de
I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de de dee do de de
I get so lonely lonely lonely lonely yeah
Got to be some good times ahead
Sometimes I feel nobody gives me no warning
Find my head is always up in the clouds
In a dreamworld
It's not easy I'm living on my own
Dee do de dee do de
I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de dee do de
I get so lonely lonely lonely lonely yeah
Got to be some good times ahead
Dee do de dee do de
I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de dee do de
I get so lonely lonely lonely lonely yeah
Got to be some good times ahead
Dee do de dee do de
I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de dee do de
I get so lonely lonely lonely lonely yeah
Got to be some good times ahead
Dee do de dee do de
I don't have no time for no monkey business
Dee do de dee do de
I get so lonely lonely lonely lonely yeah
Got to be some good times ahead
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