Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
This I tell you brother
You can't have one without the other
Love and marriage, love and marriage
It's an institute you can't disparage
Ask the local gentry
And they will say it's elementary
Try, try, try to separate them
It's an illusion
Try, try, try, and you will only come
To this conclusion
Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
Dad was told by mother
You can't have one
You can't have one
You can't have one without the other
Try, try, try to separate them
It's an illusion
Try, try, try, and you will only come
To this conclusion
Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
Dad was told by mother
You can't have one
You can't have one
You can't have one without the other
英文:dissolution of marriage中文意思:【法】婚姻的终止, 解除婚姻关系...
英文:decree of nullity of marriage中文意思:【法】宣告婚姻无效的判决...
英文:customary marriage中文意思:【法】旧式婚姻, 传统婚姻...
英文:contract of marriage中文意思:【法】婚姻契约, 婚约...
英文:consummation of marriage中文意思:【法】圆房, 完婚...