
Lullaby of the Leaves (落叶的摇篮曲) - Pat Boone-歌词

Lullaby of the Leaves (落叶的摇篮曲) - Pat Boone

Cradle me where Southern skies

Can watch me with a million eyes

Oh Sing me to sleep

Lullaby of the leaves

Cover me with heaven's blue

And let me dream a dream or two

Oh sing me to sleep

Lullaby of the leaves

I'm breezing along along with the breeze

I'm hearing a song a song thru the trees

Ooh oh ooh ooh ooh ooh

That fine melody caressing the shore

Familiar to me I've heard it before

Ooh oh ooh ooh ooh ooh that's southland

Don't I feel it in my soul

And don't I know I've reached my goal

Oh sing me to sleep

Lullaby of the Leaves

I follow the Leaves

Your familiar to me I've heard it before

Ooh oh ooh ooh ooh ooh that's southland

Don't I feel it in my soul

And don't I know I've reached my goal

Oh Sing me to sleep


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