Maggie - Irish Folk Band
I wandered today
To the hills Maggie
To watch the scene below
The creek and
The creaking old mill Maggie
As we used to long long ago
The green grove has gone
From the hills Maggie
Where first the daisies sprung
The creaking old mill
Is still Maggie
Since you and I were young
They say that
I'm feeble with age Maggie
My steps
Are sprightly than then
Your face is a
Well written page
And time all alone
Was the pen
They say that
We have outlived our time
As dated the song
That we've sung
But to me
You're as fair as you were
When you and I were young
The green grove is
Gone from the hill Maggie
Where first the
Daisies sprung
But to me
You're as fair as you were
Since you and I were young
Since you and I were young
爱的主打歌 看我七十二变 - 江美琪 (Maggie Chiang)一言一语 是指定旋律在我的排行榜升来升去不管一二三四也由你占据 退不去假如不想句句都是单曲假如不想 一切听不进去爱是这样不可理喻百听你不厌才是好证据我在唱什么什么都觉得...
房间 - 江美琪 (Maggie Chiang)词:葛大为曲:江美琪打开窗是相同的阳光然而感觉不一样你不在身旁世界都空荡荡我和我自己对话关上窗失眠一如往常答应过你要坚强沉默的电话 冷清的双人床寂寞不就是这样在这房间里所发生的过往...
对我好一点 - 江美琪 (Maggie Chiang)不要以为我看不见心里早已发出警戒如果你还是无所谓可能我也会随时改变你那双不安定四处打猎的眼在我面前也不知道稍稍地收敛若别的男孩也对我发电我倒想听听你的心里到底有什么感觉什么滋味...
在一起多好 - 江美琪 (Maggie Chiang)词:赵之璧曲:江美琪想念太多是因为遥远看遍风光又能怎样收集无数春天的信仰也比不上你一抹笑爱 是无法翻译的感觉是抽象的空气 是醒着作梦但我问自己少了你 心剩一半呼吸再多 痛却很满在一起多好...
你是爱我的 - 江美琪 (Maggie Chiang)词:江美琪曲:江美琪我偶尔有些情绪闹点脾气只希望你能对我多点关心我假装并不在意却放在心里这样的压抑让我快喘不过气其实你真的可以就掉头离去甚至可以不用顾虑...