Magic Moments (神奇时刻) - Pub Dog
Magic moments
When two hearts are carin'
Magic moments
Memories we've been sharin'
I'll never forget the moment we kissed
The night of the hayride
The way that we hugged to try to keep warm
While takin' a sleigh ride
Magic moments
Memories we've been sharin'
Magic moments
When two hearts are carin'
Time can't erase the memory
Of these magic moments
Filled with love
The telephone call that tied up the line
For hours and hours
The Saturday dance I got up the nerve
To send you some flowers
Magic moments
Memories we've been sharin'
Magic moments
When two hearts are carin'
Time can't erase the memory
Of these magic moments
Filled with love
The way that we cheered whenever our team
Was scoring a touchdown
The time that the floor fell out of my car
When I put the clutch down
The penny arcade the games that we played
The fun and the prizes
The halloween hop when everyone came
In funny disguises
Magic moments
Filled with love
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