Mess Down In Egypt (埃及混乱) - VeggieTales
Yo Listen to the boys and we'll tell you now
How loosin' your cool and having a cow
Can run you out when your lid gets flipped
And get your mug up all over Egypt
On the banks of the Nile born and raised
In the crib of the pharaoh
In his teenage days Chillin' Kickin'
Wearing silk jamsies learning hieroglyphics
From his grandad Ramses
When a whack Egyptian
Black belt kung foo
Started whoopin' it up
On his homey Hebrew
Coulda called the cops stood back but instead
He took a big stick upside of his head
A mess down in Egypt our troubles are severe
The stress down in Egypt increases more each year
Now word spread fast and he got all scared
He'd be better off by avoiding the Pharoah
He packed his bags thinkin'
If he stayed they'd be punishing him in a capital way
Now Lord only knew but he thought he might
Stay a while in the desert like a Midionite
To disengage his rage and become
Equipped to return to his home as the prince of Egypt
Our guess down in Egypt no moving day is near
Unless the prince of Egypt will take us out of here
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