
Message in a Bottle (瓶中信) - The Rock Heroes-歌词

Message in a Bottle (瓶中信) - The Rock Heroes

Just a castaway

An island lost at sea oh

Another lonely day

No one here but me oh

More loneliness

Any man could bear

Rescue me before I fall into despair

I'll send an SOS to the world

I'll send an SOS to the world

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

Message in a bottle yeah

Message in a bottle yeah

A year has passed since I wrote my note

I should have known this right from the start

Only hope can keep me together

Love can mend your life

But love can break your heart

I'll send an SOS to the world

I'll send an SOS to the world

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

Message in a bottle yeah

Message in a bottle yeah

Message in a bottle yeah

Message in a bottle yeah

Walked out this morning

Don't believe what I saw

A hundred billion bottles

Washed up on a shore

Seems I'm not alone at being alone

A hundred billion castaways

Lookin' for a home

I'll send an SOS to the world

I'll send an SOS to the world

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

I hope that someone gets my

Message in a bottle yeah

Message in a bottle yeah

Message in a bottle hoh

Message in a bottle yeah

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

Sendin' out an SOS

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