Miss Care Love - 认真妹小优
Broke up in a hard dark bad sad lonely night you never turn around
Yeah you know how life changes to be a b**ch
No longer help myself
Walk into the forest and make the fire my heart is still cold
Oh I know how I hate you but I'm still wanting you
I hope you know the truth
My eyes stop watching you
My lip stop kissing you
My nose cannot find you
I'm dying
Why I still miss you
Why I still care you
Why I still love you
I'm alive
We can be no enemies we can run this mile
We can empty handed we can leave no fear
If we wait for the sunrise you know it's not that bad
I can touch you in the morning I know it's just a dream
It just wasn't worth it cuz you don't believe me
Nothing could ever be so wrong
Let's blow this city to ashes there is no love here
Broke up in a hard dark bad sad lonely night you never turn around
Yeah you know how life changes to be a b**ch
No longer help myself
Walk into the forest and make the fire my heart is still cold
Oh I know how I hate you but I'm still wanting you
I hope you know the truth
My eyes stop watching you
My lip stop kissing you
My nose cannot find you
I'm dying
Why I still miss you
Why I still care you
Why I still love you
I'm alive
We can be no enemies we can run this mile
We can empty handed we can leave no fear
If we wait for the sunrise you know it's not that bad
I can touch you in the morning I know it's just a dream
It just wasn't worth it cuz you don't believe me
Nothing could ever be so wrong
Let's blow this city to ashes there is no love here
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弱点 - 认真妹小优词:认真妹小优曲:认真妹小优编曲:认真妹小优时间停止了何时是终点有太多纠结梦早散了是你亲自毁灭分得清谁正谁邪谁又该负责谁又该成全但这早变得不再重要你不用挑明这一切我用心去感觉...