Moonlight In Vermont - Sam Cooke
Pennies in a stream
Falling leaves
A sycamore
Moonlight in Vermont
I see finger waves
Ski-trails on a mountain side
Snow-light in Vermont
Telegraph cables they sing down the highway
And travel each bend in the road
People who meet in this romantic setting
Are so hypnotized by the lovely evening summer breeze
Wobbling above that old lark
Moonlight In Vermont
(Pennies on a stream
Pennies pennies pennies on a stream)
Pennies in a stream
Falling leaves
A sycamore
Moonlight in Vermont
I see finger waves
Ski-trails on a mountain side
Snow-light in Vermont
Telegraph cables they sing down the highway
And travel each bend in the road
People who meet in this romantic setting
Are so hypnotized by the lovely evening summer breeze
Wobbling above that old lark
Moonlight In Vermont
You and I and moonlight in Vermont
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月光 (Moonlight) - EXO-M (엑소엠)词:Seo Ji Eum/林欣晔曲:Harvey Mason JrYeah Stop Stop 会淋湿你的翅膀Oh Hoo Stop Stop你不断悄悄地入侵在我每一天的缝隙放逐了黑色梦境 温柔将我唤醒来不及关上窗 你远远地逃...
城里的月光 (Moonlight City) - 王子鸣词:陈佳明曲:陈佳明每颗心上某一个地方总有个记忆挥不散每个深夜某一个地方总有着最深的思量世间万千的变幻爱把有情的人分两端心若知道灵犀的方向那怕不能够朝夕相伴城里的月光把梦照亮...
【Moonlight原创】路过世界的我 - 萧忆情Alex词:千月兔 曲:PoKeR啦啦啦啦啦啦很多未唱出的歌等我从这个星球路过啦啦啦啦啦很多未占据的快乐请一定请一定画地为牢等着我梦烘焙的时日尚早要酒心巧克力微调少的味道传信给飞鸟带回夏日樱...