My Isle of Golden Dreams - Alfred Apaka
Out of the mist lips I have kissed
Call tenderly
Out of the west hands I have pressed
Beckon to me
Over the sea waiting for me
Lonely and blue
Somebody sighs somebody cries
I love you I love you
Drifting in dreams drifting it seems
Back to the shore
Where hand in hand over the sand
We'll stroll once more
Heart of my heart we'll never part
I hear her say
But with the dawn my dreams
Have gone astray
I hear the voice of my land
A-calling me it seems
Those fair hawaiian islands
My isle of golden dreams
英文:Anthrasol Golden Yellow IRK中文意思:【化】溶蒽素金黄IRK...
英文:antimony golden sulfide中文意思:【化】金色硫化锑(即五硫化二锑)...
金凤凰 (Golden Phoenix) - 亚天 (梁良)词:亚天曲:亚天天空飞过一只金凤凰凤凰美丽呀又威武金色的凤凰送吉祥呀保佑阿妹好健康金凤凰呀长得好呀样子美丽脾气善呀就在阿哥的旁边站呀害怕阿妹不开心呀阿妹好比金凤凰呀长...
解答 - 张伦硕 (Golden)作词:张伦硕作曲:郑凯文 金光华编曲:史扬回忆静静落下在那对背影路灯下承诺都会放下不再去追问要解答两个人会害怕一个人会是幸福吗沉默代替表达都放下会是永远吗放开吗 如果放开吧要...
沦陷 - 张伦硕 (Golden)(电视剧《我家有个赵大咪》主题曲)词:张伦硕曲:郑荦荦夜色迷离红色高跟鞋那种气氛也许已醉了你我交错一瞬间我的眼里面有白色翅膀闪现我想我 已沦陷你在我心里旋转让我一阵晕眩美妙的晕眩...